
Tamires Gama

With over 13 years of experience in ELT, Tamires is a versatile educator, trainer, speaker, and materials writer. Since 2016, she has been teaching English Online and owns Simplifica Inglês, an online English school. Tamires's passion lies in technology, studying gender and race, and designing inclusive lessons. Her qualifications include a B.A. in Languages, TESOL, C2 Proficiency, CELTA, Train the Trainer, Teacher Trainers, and LPACTE.


Building Blocks of Online Success: Unleashing the Potential of Beginner Adult Learners Online


In this plenary talk, I will demonstrate how teachers can set up meaningful patterns of interaction, varied feedback moments, and amplify students' spoken production. By sharing tools, strategies, and theories behind feedback, task design, and lesson planning in online classes, teachers are expected to leave this talk better equipped to boost beginner learners' performance.