Innovating, Adapting, Inspiring
Join us for our 11th event on April 12th, 2025, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo – Avenida Fernando Ferrari, 514 – Campus Goiabeiras – IC III – Vitória/ES. This in-person gathering will explore the theme Innovating, Adapting, Inspiring, bringing together professionals committed to shaping the future. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect and exchange ideas!
Our target audience includes language teachers from diverse contexts, as well as managers, directors, and coordinators of language courses in both public and private institutions. We also welcome Letras students and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge and sharing experiences in language teaching and learning.
Plenary Speaker: Rita Ladeia is an educator, teacher trainer, textbook author, curriculum developer, and researcher in bilingualism and bilingual education. She holds degrees in Language and Pedagogy and has built a solid career in education, particularly in the field of teaching and learning through additional languages. She holds a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics and is a PhD candidate in Education. Rita is a professor in the postgraduate program in Bilingual Education and Cognition at IENH-Novo Hamburgo and was a professor and coordinator of the Bilingual Education training course at Instituto Singularidades in São Paulo. Additionally, she is the Vice President of ABRASEP – the Brazilian Association for Plurilingual Education, a non-profit institution whose goal is to contribute to the expansion of bilingual/plurilingual education across the country and to strengthen ties with similar institutions in other countries, especially in Latin America, where teaching and learning contexts and challenges are more aligned with those faced in Brazil.
Junte-se a nós para o nosso 11º evento no dia 12 de abril de 2025, das 8h às 13h, na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo – Avenida Fernando Ferrari, 514 – Campus Goiabeiras – IC III – Vitória/ES. Este encontro presencial explorará o tema Inovar, Adaptar, Inspirar, reunindo profissionais comprometidos com a construção do futuro. Não perca essa oportunidade de se conectar e trocar ideias!
Nosso público-alvo inclui professores de idiomas de diversos contextos, bem como gestores, diretores e coordenadores de cursos de idiomas em instituições públicas e privadas. Também recebemos estudantes de Letras e qualquer pessoa interessada em expandir seus conhecimentos e compartilhar experiências no ensino e aprendizado de idiomas.
Plenarista: Rita Ladeia