How to Set Up A Chapter

I. The Role of a Chapter

  • To organize seminars, workshops, lectures and other events - formal and informal - that will bring English teachers of all sectors together, for the purpose of sharing ideas and learning about new development in language teaching.
  • To help teachers of English who cannot otherwise do so, keep up to date and familiar with the latest literature and publications in ELT.
  • To encourage and support research in ELT.

II. Setting Up a Chapter

BRAZ-TESOL is a non-profit association, and a chapter will have to be the same: as a result, the members and directors will have to be moved by idealism and devotion to their profession.

1 .Teachers or school directors interested in setting up new chapters should contact teachers and representatives of all sectors of ELT in their area: state school system, private schools, universities and language institutes and set up a meeting to establish aims and elect a provisional committee to organize the first event.
A letter should be sent to the BRAZ-TESOL Board of Directors addresses to the Central Office in São Paulo, declaring the group’s intention of forming a chapter.

2. The provisional committee should organize an event for all teachers of English in the area, inviting as many as they can reach from all sectors. At this stage they may already discover possible sources of funding such as distributors, bookshops, etc.. A member of the national BRAZ-TESOL Board may be invited. After the event, a report must be sent to the Board Directors.

3. After the first event, the group should submit plan for a year to the Board, including:

  • how many events will be organized and the number of the participants they can expect to attend;
  • the time and location of such events and possible sponsors;
  • fees to be charged by participants to cover expenses;
  • the number of BRAZ-TESOL memberships in the area;
  • how the organizers expect to expand membership in the near future.

This plan should be sent to the National Executive Board for comments and suggestions. A temporary board of directors should also be elected at this stage, substituting the first committee.

4. A report should be sent to the Executive Board after every event - a member of the Board may be invited for the occasion.

5. After a period of not less than two years the prospective Chapter can request full recognition as a Chapter of BRAZ-TESOL. The Executive Board will then examine the reports that have been submitted and decide whether the interests of BRAZ-TESOL will be served in the area and accept the new Chapter. The Executive Board will always do the utmost to help local Chapters in formation and after their official recognition.

III. General Issues

1. All members of the local Chapter must be BRAZ-TESOL member.

2. Legal aspect: Once proposed local chapter has been formed, a president and vice-president must be elected by its members. The president will then be legally appointed as the local representative of BRAZ-TESOL for a period of time not longer than two years. Thus a chapter becomes a legal extension of the national BRAZ-TESOL and can legally organize events.

3. An Action Plan for the coming year, on the lines set out in II.3. above should be submitted to the Board of Directors of BRAZ-TESOL every year in November.

4. Events are basically for members only, but at the chapter’s discretion and with the consent of the executive committee, special registration fees can be offered to new members.