Young Learners and Teens SIG

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SIG Mission: 

YLT SIG aims at: encouraging professional development and the exchange of ideas about teaching Young Learners and Teenagers; sharing ideas, activities and reading material to foster discussion; promoting a link among YLT teachers all over Brazil by using online discussions.

SIG Team

Vanessa Gomes Benedetti

Vanessa has been working as an English teacher for 23 years and as a trainer for 4 years.She holds a degree in International Trade Administration and a specialization in English Language Teaching .She is also certified by the University of Cambridge in different courses and exams, such as CPE, CELTA , CELT-P, TKT YL and Train the Trainer and Cambridge Speaking Examiner. She is currently working at haʊs Formação e Colaboração, which is a partnership company focused on collaboration and training of educators from all learning contexts. Her biggest passion is teaching young learners and providing opportunities for equity in education.


Vanessa Gomes BenedettiSIG Leader

Ludmila Moscardine Pires Heleno

Ludmila has been working as an English teacher since 2004. She has a degree in Languages and Pedagogy, MBA in Business and Post-graduation in Language Teaching. She holds the Anaheim for YLS, Google certifications, TKT YLs and CELTA. In her free time, she loves spending time with her family and watching films or reading books.


Ludmila Moscardine Pires HelenoCommunication Coordinator

Juliana Tonelli

Juliana Reichert Assunção Tonelli holds an MA and a PhD in Language Studies, and postdoctoral studies focused on the teachers? education and teaching of English in Early Childhood (Université de Geneva; Unemat and UnB). She is associate professor at the Modern Languages Department at the Londrina State University , Brazil. She teaches and supervises undergraduate and graduate students both in the Language Studies Program and Professional Masters Program. She is a member of the Latin American Association for Language Testing and Assessment (LAALTA) and member of the BrazTesol Young Learners Special Interest Group. Her research field includes Linguistic Education in Early Childhood focused on second language, bi/multi and plurilinguism and children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities(SEND). She is the founder and leader of the Research Group FELICE/ CNPq (Brazilian Research Council).


Juliana TonelliEvents Coordinator

Edilene Marques

Enthusiastic and dedicated English Teacher with experience teaching and supporting elementary-level classrooms serving students with different learning styles. Committed to all aspects of student learning and the promotion of their growth. After working for 15 years in worldwide companies, she left the corporate world to achieve a dream: to teach English and change lives. Majored in Literature (Portuguese-English) and Pedagogy and holds other certifications including IELTS, Google Educator, and media education (Educamidia).


Edilene MarquesAdvisory Council

Sharllene Rodrigues

Sharllene has been working as an English teacher for over 10 years. She has a degree in Languages and holds a CELTA. She is currently working as a public school teacher and is a firm believer that is possible to teach additional languages in a public education context, from a decolonizing perspective.


Sharllene RodriguesAdvisory Council