Materials Writing SIG

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SIG Mission: 

We are the Materials Writing Special Interest Group of BRAZ-TESOL. It is our aim to bring together materials writers, editors and publishers in Brazil in an environment of sharing, cooperation and learning. The motto of BRAZ-TESOL is “the more we are, the stronger we become”, and we aim to embody that, whether you are an experienced and published author, or someone who is interested in increasing your materials development skills for your classroom. All are welcome here!





SIG Team

James Taylor

James Taylor is a materials writer & teacher trainer. He?s been nominated for an ELTON Award three times, winning for Our Languages (FTD Educaçao), which was awarded for Excellence in Course Innovation in 2021. He is the project manager of Active English and co-founded the Raise Up! project, encouraging diversity in ELT materials. He is the leader of BRAZ-TESOL MAWSIG, & joint-coordinator of IATEFL TDSIG.


James TaylorLeader

Veronica Teodorov

Veronica Teodorov Ferreira has been in ELT for more than 20 years. After teaching for 12 years, she started in publishing. She has authored some series in Brazil, for both public and private markets, and has edited many coursebooks for international publishers. She holds a BA in Languages, post-graduate certificates in English and in Distance Learning, ICELT and Delta Module 2 certificates. She is currently managing her own ELT content company, Kenver Publishing and sharing her expertise on the Instagram profile @deprofessoraautor.


Veronica TeodorovCoordinator

Isabela Sued

Isabela Sued has extensive professional experience in the publishing industry, having worked on important editorial projects throughout her career. As an author, editor, and consultant in ELT, she has collaborated with major publishers such as Macmillan, National Geographic Learning, Santillana/Richmond, and Pearson. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Social Communication from PUC-Rio as well as a foundation degree in pre-primary and primary teaching and learning. She is also certified by the University of Cambridge (C2 Proficiency and TKTs 2 and 3) and Google Education (Google Educator Levels 1 and 2).


Isabela SuedCoordinator

Érika Castro



Érika CastroCoordinator

Marcos Mendonça

Marcos Carvalho Mendonça is a pedagogical consultant with over 12 years of experience. Holding a degree in English from UFPR, Cambridge certifications, and a post-grad degree in Bilingual Education, he wears multiple hats as a content creator, volunteer teacher for Cidadão Pró-Mundo, and IELTS teacher trainer for the British Council.


Marcos MendonçaCoordinator