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SIG Mission: 

The mission of the BRAZ-TESOL ESP SIG is to disseminate best practices in ESP teaching and to foster a community of ESP practitioners in Brazil.  

Our main aims, therefore, are to:

  • raise awareness of the field of ESP among ELT professionals in Brazil;

  • encourage professional development of ESP practitioners;

  • link and unite ESP professionals in different educational sectors;

  • promote and spread knowledge of ESP research and good practices; 

  • collaborate with other Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in BRAZ-TESOL; and

  • build and maintain relationships with institutions and educational organizations to keep up-to-date with learners’ needs and teaching or learning resources.

SIG Team

Eduardo Mazzeu

Eduardo Mazzeu has over 16 years of experience in the ELT field. His expertise lies in crafting dynamic and engaging learning experiences for students of varying proficiency levels. He holds the CELTA, TKT, and ECPE certifications. Additionally, he serves as the leader for the BRAZ-TESOL Rio de Janeiro Chapter and the ESP SIG.


Eduardo MazzeuLeader

Ricardo Bruns

Ricardo Lacerda Bruns has over 20 years of corporate experience and has been working as a Business English Trainer, providing consultancy and bespoke performance-based training services to international companies, since 2009. Ricardo holds a CertIBET from the Trinity College London, the CELTA, and a degree in Business Administration. He has been a member of the BRAZ-TESOL and the IATEFL BESIG since 2013.


Ricardo BrunsCoordinator

Ana Ligia Barbosa de Carvalho e Silva

Ana Lígia Barbosa de Carvalho e Silva is a postdoctoral researcher in Linguistics Studies at the São Paulo State University (UNESP), S. J. do Rio Preto. In 2023, she was a visiting scholar at Teachers College, Columbia University, in New York City, where she conducted part of her investigation on the design of an English proficiency exam for a group of Brazilian military pilots. Lígia holds an M.A. and a Ph.D. degree in Applied Linguistics, both from the University of Campinas (Unicamp), as well as a post-graduate degree in ESL teaching from Mackenzie University. In the past few years, she has presented at several international conferences, published articles, and book chapters. She has also been an active member of several study groups, such as the BRAZ-TESOL Assessment and ESP SIGs, the Aeronautical English Study Group (GEIA), the International Civil Aviation English Association (ICAEA) Research Group, and the International Language Testing Association (ILTA) Aviation Language Assessment SIG. Her research interests include language assessment and testing in ESP, with special focus on English for pilots, language needs analysis and language test design.


Ana Ligia Barbosa de Carvalho e SilvaCoordinator

Lorena Luna

Mestre e doutoranda em Linguística. Professora de inglês há 14 anos, hoje se dedica a ensino do inglês para fins específicos, como para provas de proficiência de mestrado e doutorado, inglês acadêmico e inglês para área da saúde.


Lorena LunaCoordinator