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The floor is theirs: How to boost your students' protagonism

We are more than happy to invite to take part in the very first event by the new São Paulo State Chapter: "The floor is theirs: How to boost your students' protagonism".

This event is designed for teachers who want to help their students become more empowered and engaged in their own learning. Our goal is to share strategies which any teacher can use in order to amplify the students' voices and interests in the classroom, so everyone can learn and feel like they belong. The event will feature two speakers who will share their expertise on how to develop student protagonism in the classroom.

At 10:00, Anne Haggerson will deliver the talk "Fostering Creativity and Student Output in a Digital Age". 


An important part of motivating students to speak second language is to give them opportunities to express themselves in creative ways. In the age of Chat GPT and artificial intelligence, our students are tempted to let the machines do all the thinking and writing for them. Despite the pressure to give creative power to technology, we will consider ways of using online tools as a way of sharing creative projects and as a way of building classroom community. Creative lesson planning with dynamic, multimodal components in tasks can actually increase speech production in the ELT classroom. In this talk, she will give you tools and ideas to incorporate creativity and culturally relevant pedagogy into the classroom to foster fluency.

At 11:15, Julice Daijo will deliver the talk "From Thoughts to Target Language: Encouraging Learning Autonomy and Creativity in the Classroom".


How much do you encourage (or allow!) your students to take an active role in your classes? Eliciting and varying patterns of interaction are good examples of how we try to deliver more student-centered lessons, but what else could you do? In this talk, she is going to share a few practical activities that will aim at motivating more focus on learner autonomy, empowering learners to express themselves more precisely (converting “their thoughts to target language”) and using their creativity while playing with digital visual design. The activities are short and adjustable, they were inspired by ideas from bright minds like Brian R. Morrison, co-author of The Autonomy Approach, and Connie Malamed’s concepts of eLearning Visual Design.

Come join us in this unmissable event!